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Una Hadita
Una Hadita

Број порука : 132
Join date : 22.05.2008

Biografija Empty
ПорукаНаслов: Biografija   Biografija Icon_minitimeSat May 24, 2008 1:14 pm

Beatriz Luengo was born in Madrid on 23 December 1982. The daughter of Angelines and Juan, she grew up and lived in the district of Hortaleza. In her free time, she played in the district basketball team.

It was not until she was six years old that she began to be interested in show business, after seeing a TV broadcast of the musical Cabaret starring Liza Minnelli, who became a role model for her and has remained so. She studied until COU and made interpretation studies. She has specialized in singing with the best teachers. Her dance training was acquired at the Royal Academy of Dance, where she studied ballet, jazz dance, Funky and flamenco.

When she was ten, she formed a musical group called Tatu with two childhood friends. They recorded a CD but the record label went out of business and the CD was not published. Disillusioned, Beatriz gave up attending casting calls. After months, her mother persuaded her to try auditioning as a dancer in the Rita and Miliki Circus, which she did, successfully. Later, she danced in different TV spots of TVE and was the singer in the TV program Esto Me Suena, beginning her busy career in theater and televisión. After that, she performed in musicals like La Magia de Broadway I and II, Annie, Jekyll & Hyde, Hermanos de Sangre and three times in Peter Pan. In those musicals she played roles alongside other major Spanish artists like Marta Sanchez, Serafín Zubiri or Carlos Marín (Il Divo; even if she didn't play always the leading role, she had the chance to work with such professionals as the late producer Luis Ramirez, musical directors Alberto Quintero and Cesar Belda, and choreographerLuka Yesi.

Beatriz had her first appearance in a feature film in Pasión Adolescente in the year 2000.

In television, she appeared in episodes of Spanish soap operas such as Robles Investigador Privado, Policías, Periodistas and El Comisario. In 2001, Beatriz was chosen to star in Un paso adelante, along with actors like Mónica Cruz, Silvia Marty, Pablo Puyol, Dafne Fernández or Lola Herrera, which made her very well-known in Spain, Europe and some South American countries; it was here that the musical group Upa Dance was born. Upa Dance sold more than 600,000 copies of their first record.

In spite of the big success of Upa Dance and the amount of their concerts, Beatriz has wanted to develop new musical and creative interests, reason by which she began to imagine her artistic proposal.

It was then when, under a global concept of fusion music, Beatriz began to work with rhythmic basis that came from artists from Belgium, United States, and Spain. She created her own melodies, her own music, and an innovative, original sound. The result is Mi Generación, her first solo album, that identifies her musical influences: Rythhm'n'Blues and black music, without forgetting rock, rap, and hip-hop, adding what she considers is the most interesting thing about her own culture: Flamenco.

In 2005 published her first album called "Mi Generación" in Spain she was in 20 of TOP Spaina d realised important shows. Bea had two singles : "Mi Generación" and "Hit Lerele".She won the prize "better musical future",she was chosen for the Spanish public to represent to Spain in "Wanadoo Disoveries" in Nice, and she proved 2ª.She was nominated to the MTV European Music Awards celebrated in Lisboa. She was invited in 2005 to the Grammys prices and in 2006 to Cannes Festival in France.

In 2006 Bea published an edition of "Mi Generación" in France, called "BL",with one single,"Hit Lerele", she had sold more of 100.000 CDs, gotting de gold CD,and more of 80.000 singles of "Hit Lerele". She won the EBBA2007 too. She took part of very important shows with NRJ, Radio Marítima,Radio 6... Beatriz Luengo´CD was #58 in European Top 100 albums and her single "Hit Lerele" #47 in European Hot 100 Singles. She won very CDs in Switzerland, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Serbia... too, but she wasn't making promotion of her CD, and this didn't won very CDs, although it was in the European charts!!! It isn't sure, but her CD can be published in USA, Italy and Puerto Rican too, for that, she has made a duet with Ivy Queen!!! in addition a Mexican TV is broadcasting her video clip Hit Lerele, and she has been in Cuba TV program and Seiretland Special TV, she was three days in Serbia, there, he made a "tour" for Serbia street with her fans, and made special TV, and her Serbian forum www.beatriz-luengo.co.cc

In 2007 Beatriz has realised a duo with the famous puerto rican singer:Ivy Queen. In the song "Hit Lerele".Bea will published her album in Italy and Amerique. Bea is making her second album in New York, for that can that she publish her CD in USA, Italy and Puerto Rican when her 2ºcd is selling.

In addition she has a school of dance in Madrid.

HER SECOND ALBUM will be in the shops at may of 2008.The album, called "Carrousel",has been produced by Yotuel Romero (Orishas group and Grammy's winner) and Andrés Levín (Tina Turner, Miguel Bosé...),Has been realised in New York. The letters have been written by Beatriz. Has a song of Serge Gainsbour("Coleur Café") and a collaboration with the French group called les nubians too. The album has been mixed by Manny Marroquin (Umbrella of Rhianna, and Stronger of Kany West, four grammys's winner).The first single called "Pretendo hablarte" was put on Cadena Dial and Los40 (the best important radio in Spain) on 5 April of 2008. The song has very different rhytmes:flamenco, hip-hop, soul... is in Spanish but has phrases in French too (at first).The Album has been calles about "soul latino" by his producters, telling that is the first album of soul Latino of the history. In addition, it is said that the video of "Pretendo hablarte" will can be seen the next week. 2008:Beatriz will be perform in forums of fnac in very places of Spain,she will be in "salas" of Spain,and,later,she will make a tour around Spain. She will be in France making promo too when her cd will be being sold.It´s sure that she will go to Italy and Amérique too,in Italy she has been called.

2001 : "Pasión adolescente" 'Mónica'
2002-2005 : "Un paso adelante" (TV) 'Lola Fernández'
2008 : "1860, l'esprit des ombres"?????

Grease (Teatro Lope de Vega, 1999)
Peter Pan (Teatros Lope de Vega y Nuevo Apolo, 1999-2000) Beatriz Luengo (Slightly).
Jekyll & Hyde
Hermanos de Sangre
La Magia de Broadway I(Teatro Lara, 1999)
La Magia de Broadway II(Teatros Lara y Nuevo Apolo, 2000)

[edit] TV
1993-1995:El Circo de Rita y Miliki (musical program)
1999:Robles,Investigador Privado (tv serie)
2000:Periodistas- as "Candela" (tv serie)
2000:Policías,en el corazón de la calle - as "Toñi" (tv serie)
2001:El Comisario (tv serie)
2001-2005:Un Paso Adelante-as "Lola Fernandez"(84 episodies)(tv serie)
2006:Empieza el espectáculo(musical program)
2006:El Desafío Bajo Cero(Artistic skating)

[edit] Awards

1999: MAX Theatre Award - won

2003: TP of Gold-best serie-nominated
2004: TP of Gold-best serie-nominated

2005: Best Future Musical- spanish music awards -won
2005: Wanadoo Discoveries Spain - won
2005: Wanadoo Discoveries Europe - second
2005: MTV Europe Music Awards Lisboa - nominated
2007: European Borders Breakers Awards - won
2007: NRJ Music Awards - presenter
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Una Hadita
Una Hadita

Број порука : 132
Join date : 22.05.2008

Biografija Empty
ПорукаНаслов: Re: Biografija   Biografija Icon_minitimeSat May 24, 2008 1:22 pm

Bea je rodjena 23.12.1982. godine u Madridu. Ćerka Angelines i Juana rasla je i živela u naselju Hortaleza. U slobodno vreme, igrala je sa svojom ekipom košarku u kraju, i uprkos njenoj visini bila je najbolja u ekipi. Sebe je smatrala kao `Chicho Terremoto`, niska ali hrabra.

Nije joj bilo ni šest godina kada je počela da se intresuje za svet umetnosti kada je prvi put gledala "Cabaret" na tv-u, mjuzikl u kom glavnu ulogu tumači Lisa Minelli. Od tada, želela je da bude kao ona i niko u tome nije mogao da je spreči.

Studirala je COU kao i studije interpretacije. Pevanje je učila od najboljih profesora na fakultetima. Njenu igračku karijeru započela je na `Royal Academy Of Dance` gde je studirala klasičan balet, fanki i flamenko.

Kada je imala deset godina, osnovala je muzičku grupu pod nazivom "Tatu" sa još svoje dve drugarice. Snimile su CD ali ga nikad nisu izdale zbog velikih troškova koji su potrebni da bi se cd izdao. Kao rezultat njihove grupe dobila je šansu da se pojavi na jednom kastingu. Mesec dana kasnije, njena mama joj je predložila da se prijavi na kastingu za igračicu u "Rita and Miliki Circus" i bila je primljena. Kasnije, igrala je u različitim TV spotovima na TVE i pevala je `Esto me suena` u jednom tv programu. Tako je počela njen dugačak put kroz pozorište i televiziju. Posle toga, nastupala je u mjuziklima kao što su " La magia de Broadway" I i II, "Grease", "Annie", "Jekyll & Hyde", "Hermanos de Sangre" i tri puta "Peter Pan".

2000. godine se prvi put pojavljuje u filmu "Pasión Adolescente".

Na televiziji je dobila uloge u mnogim serijama kao što su "Robles Investigador Privado", "Policías", "Periodistas" i "El comisario". 2001 godine je izabrana da bude deo tima serije "Un paso adelante", koja ju je proslavila, postala je poznata u Španiji, Evropi i u nekim zemljama Južne Amerike gde je muzika UPA DANCE-a rodjena. Prvi cd Upa dance je prodat u više od 600 hiljada primeraka.

Čak i veliki uspeh Upa dance-a i fanovi koji su ih pratili na svim koncertima, Beatriz je imala nove kreativne i muzičke ideje pa je već tada počela da razmišlja o drugim ponudama koje je dobijala.

Kada je shvatila da je pravo vreme za solo karijeru, Yotuel Romero, član grupe Orishas (i njen dečko) i ona su počeli da rade na ritmičkoj seriji gde ih je on povezao sa profesionalcima iz Belgije, Amerike i Španije, skoro godinu dana su u studiju stvarali melodije i muziku koja je zvučala drugačije i orginalnije. Rezultat svega toga je `Mi generacion`, njen prvi solo album koji opisuje Beu u njenom svetu i njenoj muzici a to je ritam i bluz i crnačka muzika, ali nije izostavila ni rok, kao ni popularni rep i hip-hop i naravno ništa bez njenog neizostavljenog flamenka.


- Visoka je 1.61m i teška 45kg;
- Sentimentalna je i stidljiva ali i ume da bude i bestidna;
- Njen najbolji provod na odmoru je hodanje po pesku kada je bosa;
- Za jedno veče može da pročita knjigu "Memoari jedne geiše";
- Omiljeno jelo joj je supa;
- A piće voda;
- Omiljeni glumac i glumica su joj Roger Pera i Natalia Millan;
- Najviše voli da gleda mjuzikle;
- Njeni omiljeni filmovi su "Moulin Rouge" i "El hijo de la novia";
- Sport koji najviše voli je odbojka na plaži;
- Voli da gleda skijanje na vodi;
- Omiljena pesma joj je “On My Own” od Los Miserables, a pevačica Mariah Carey;
- Volela bi da otputuje u Transilvaniju;
- Njen neostvaren san je da može da leti;
- Njena amajlija je jedan Pokemon koji joj je brat dao kada je bio mali;
- Da ima još jedan život, želela bi da bude riba;
- Omiljeni crtani lik joj je Betty Boop;
- Omiljeni parfem joj je Noa;
-Sakuplja obojene kamenčiće;
-Ne sviđaju joj se pirsinzi ni tetovaže;
- Ne propušta nijedan film sa Susan Sarandon i Sean Penn-om;
- Omiljena boja joj je plava.
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